Our Mission:

Live a life of passion, purpose & strength, without burning (or selling) out.

You’re a creative visionary on a mission to shift our culture through art, writing, wellness, activism, or conscious entrepreneurship. You have big ideas but find yourself confused about where to start, what to do next and how to make your work have a major impact.

We’re the perfect mixture of Personal Leadership Coaching, Business Strategy, Compassionate Goal-Setting and hands on business support for out of the box thinkers.

We act as a lighthouse to bring your vision into focus, a mirror to help you see your blind spots, and spotlight shining on your shadows so that you can do the work required to up-level your business, get out of your own way, and contribute to your community on a larger scale.

Working with Raven was like laying all the puzzle pieces out that I thought didn’t fit and discovering nothing is wrong with the way I like my picture to look. I appreciated her intent listening skills and follow up questions they really made me arrive at my own answers.

I did the work in our sessions, instead of waiting for answers to be given to me, and had the support to feel proud about this fact. Now, I feel more open to exploring my own answers and solutions to the questions in my life.

It’s very empowering!
— - Y. McNeil

*Actual client not pictured for privacy

Life + Leadership Coaching


Life + Leadership Coaching *

My Approach A no BS, trauma-informed, whole-person approach to life and business. At The Way Thru, we believe that you’re never starting from the bottom of the mountain, you’re already traveling your path…and we’re here to be your guide.

1:1 Coaching explore and expand your creativity. Make more aligned decisions. Manage and even prevent stress. Increase self-awareness. Enhance interpersonal relationships. Set and achieve meaningful goals. With the help of a certified professional coach.

Personalized Mindfulness Training

Personalized Mindfulness Training

A Portal to Peace

In the whirlwind of deadlines and responsibilities, have you ever yearned for just a few moments to retreat, replenish, and rejuvenate? I'm here to help you create those moments of sanctuary.

This isn’t about finding an extra hour in your day; it’s about transforming those small moments you already have. Locate your moments of calm amidst the storm of everyday life.

Business Strategy for Creative Visionaries.

Business Strategy for Creative Visionaries.

Your work needs a RADICAL shift and I’ve got the catalyst.

Creative Visionaries, whether you’re just getting started, hit a plateau, or have a new idea to launch - you don’t have to do it all on your own.